Sunday 2 December 2012

Countdown to Christmas Day 2: Bounty Hot Chocolate

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me a recipe for Bounty Hot Chocolate!! 

Time to snuggle up with you favourite movie and have the tree lights twinkling in the back ground on this cold frosty night, but your missing one thing a cup of gloriously thick hot chocolate to warm up your heart.

The Ingredients: Icing Sugar, Horlicks Powder, Coconut Syrup, Saucepan,  Dark Chocolate,  Hot Chocolate Powder and Milk

Step One: Pour 1 Cup of Milk, 2 & a half tablespoons of Chocolate powder, 1 & a Half tablespoons of Icing Sugar, 2 tablespoons of Horlicks.
Place on a Medium Heat until combined and grate in some dark chocolate.
Step Two: Once the chocolate is melted and warm turn off the heat.
Stir in some Coconut Syrup to taste and pour the hot chocolate into your favourite christmas mug.
Step Three: Once you have poured the Hot Chocolate into your Christmas Mug squirt some Cream on top and to finish grate some of the Dark Chocolate.
Now time to snuggled up and drink your yummy bounty hot chocolate!

If you don't like Coconut just change the syrup to another flavour or just add a dash of cinnamon!

Tell me what you think in the comment bar below! 



  1. Yum just what I was looking for thanks! x

    1. Aww thats great you found exactly what you was looking for! Lx

  2. This looks amazing - perfect for Christmas!
    Also, I just wanted to say that I think you're absolutely stunning and a true inspiration. Hope you post some more of your fashion/outfit choices soon as I love your style!

    x Hannah

  3. This is such a good idea! Can't wait to try it!


  4. Oh that looks deliciously yum. May have to give that a go rather than standard marshmallow topping! x
